Vikram ,s cobra movie
Cobra is an upcoming Indian Tamil-language supernatural thriller film directed by R. Ajay Gnanamuthu, and produced by S. S. Lalit Kumar under the banner Seven Screen Studios, starring Vikram, Srinidhi Shetty, Miya and Irfan Pathan. This film marks the Tamil debut of Srinidhi Shetty and the film debut of Irfan Pathan. The music and original score is composed by A. R. Rahman, with cinematography handled by Harish Kannan and edited by Bhuvan Srinivasan.
a r rahman
Oscar and Grammy-winning Indian composer AR Rahman is celebrating his 54th birthday on Wednesday, January 6.By celebrating a r rahman birthday cobra team release the cobra teaser on 09/01/2021 . our wisehes to a .r . rahman and cobra team
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